TacticZero Experiments
TacticZero experiments use the HOL4 environment and dataset as outlined in the original paper.
It is an online policy gradient based algorithm. The architectures are defined in models.TacticZero
, with the
agent interaction loop being defined in experiments.TacticZero
To run a TacticZero experiment, from the root directory of the project simply run:
python3 -m experiments.TacticZero.tacticzero_experiment --config-name=tacticzero/{model}
Users can specify what architectures to use for the goal, tactic and argument selection modules through the
configurations in configs/tacticzero
. Here, configs/tacticzero/tactic_zero
is the base config, and the other config files
are used to define model details for the GNN, Transformer and original Autoencoder used.
Pretrained embedding models from Premise Selection experiments can be included by setting pretrain: true
and pretrain_ckpt
to the path of the pretrained checkpoint.
This experiment assumes data has been processed into a MongoDB database, with the following yaml keys:
# MongoDB database (default is 'hol4')
# Processed Data for each expression/formula. Default is 'expression_graphs'
# Collection mapping each token to an index. Default is 'vocab_col'
# Collection containing the train/val/test split of the goals to prove