The environments module includes different ITP environments and supporting code to facilitate interaction with them. The directory is structured into the separate environments, as listed below.

├── environments
    ├── HOL4
    ├── HOList
    ├── INT
    ├── LeanDojo


The HOList environment. Provides an interactive interface to HOL-Light. environments.HOList.holist_env provides a wrapper which enables compatibility with the abstract ~End-to-End experiment.


  • Modified to include pretty printed expressions in proof interaction, which are much more concise and closer to the expressions used in e.g. LeanDojo
  • Modified proof logging to include pretty printed expressions.
    • Can create original HOList dataset over core and complex libraries, now with Pretty printing.
      • Done with

Future additions

  • Update backend C++/O’Caml environment in environments/HOList/hol-light to accept more general tactics (currently quite restrictive, can’t use general expressions, introduce assumptions, terms are only in s-expression format)
  • Extend to arbitrary GitHub repos like LeanDojo
    • Test on flyspeck to reconstruct full HOList benchmark


Wrapper over the standard LeanDojo environment, implemented in environments.LeanDojo.leandojo_env.

LeanDojo is the most complete environment feature wise:

  • It allows for proofs over arbitrary new GitHub repos
  • No restrictions on the tactic input, allowing general expressions to be used
  • Automatically manages Docker configurations internally

Currently under development, will be updated in a future release.


  • Unlike the environment wrapper originally used in ReProver, this wrapper separate subgoals within a proof state.


The HOL4 environment used in TacticZero.
