Premise Selection
Premise Selection is a common benchmark for approaches in AI-ITP.
To run a premise selection experiment, from the root directory of the project simply run:
python3 -m experiments.lightning_runner --config-name=premise_selection/{dataset}/{model}
where {dataset}
is the desired dataset, and {model}
is the desired model.
To change model hyperparameters, modify the appropriate {dataset}/{model}
config file.
These experiments require the appropriate dataset has been processed as outlined in the setup page.
Configuration files are found in the configs/premise_selection
The base configuration file configs/premise_selection/premise_selection.yaml
specifies the
Premise Selection model and associated DataModule implemented in models.premise_selection
The configuration directory is organised into {dataset}/{model}
, where each {dataset}
includes a base file specifying the vocabulary size, project to log to and the MongoDB database to read from.
Each {model}
config file contains details of the embedding architecture to use, and the associated data_type
to inherit from.
This experiment assumes data has been processed into a MongoDB database, with the following yaml keys:
# MongoDB database (defaults are 'hol4', 'mizar40', 'leanstep', 'holstep')
# Processed Data for each expression/formula. Default is 'expression_graphs'
# Collection mapping each token to an index. Default is 'vocab_col'
# Collection containing the train/val/test split of the data. Default is 'split_data'