This page includes details of the datasets included in BAIT and how they are processed.

The data directory includes processing scripts and utilities, separated into each dataset. The processing scripts typically download the raw data files into the respective dataset directory, and then process them into the format needed for experiments.

├── data
    ├── HOL4
    ├── HOList
    ├── INT
    ├── LeanDojo
    ├── premise_selection
    ├── utils


Processed for premise selection and for TacticZero experiments.

By default, creates a hol4 MongoDB database, with the following collections used by the experiments:

  • split_data
  • vocab
  • expression_graphs
  • paper_goals

Also includes the following collections with additional data on the HOL4 expressions and their dependencies:

  • dependency_data
  • expression_metadata


Contains data based on HOL-Light proofs found in the HOList benchmark. Used for both the HOList Supervised training experiment, and for evaluation with the HOList Eval experiment.

By default, creates a holist MongoDB database, with the following collections used for the HOList experiments:

  • split_data
  • vocab
  • train_thm_ls
  • expression_graphs


Data processed for the INT environment and experiments. Uses the INT environment to generate user configured synthetic proving problems, which are saved in this directory. The processing code for this is taken from the original paper, and unchanged.

Premise Selection


The HOLStep premise selection dataset.

Processed for Premise Selection experiments. Note that full graph processing takes a very long time, with over 1M expressions.

By default, creates a holstep MongoDB database, with the following collections used for Premise Selection:

  • split_data
  • vocab
  • expression_graphs


Data from the LeanStep benchmark, processed for Premise Selection experiments. Modified to include s-expression output to enable graph parsing.

By default, creates a leanstep MongoDB database, with the following collections for premise selection:

  • split_data
  • vocab
  • expression_graphs

Also processes and stores additional co-training data as outlined in the paper, for possible future experiments, with the following collections:

  • next_lemma
  • premise_classification
  • proof_step
  • proof_term
  • skip_proof
  • theorem_name
  • type_prediction


The MIZAR40 premise selection dataset. Processed for the format in Premise Selection experiments.

By default, creates a mizar40 MongoDB database, with the following collections used for Premise Selection:

  • split_data
  • vocab
  • expression_graphs


Data generated from the LeanDojo benchmark, used for End-to-End experiments and for training ReProver based models. Processed into a format which enables training generative models.

Will be updated in a future release.
